“This speech is also an example of parallelism for emphasis” (Your Dictionary). Also, the phrase “I have a dream” is a repeated clause that appears throughout the text of the speech. “I Have a Dream” is formed in a parallel structure, which means the repetition of the same pattern of words that are similar in grammatical form. The speech opposed r acial segregation and profiling. Aug ust 1963 ha s ga ined recognition as one of the g reatest addre sses. He uses symbolism and powerful diction to paint the picture of how life as an African American really was. The I Have a Dream speech delivered b y Dr. King’s preparation, emotional connection to the audience, tone, and delivery were all contributions to this powerful and courageous speech. The speech uses rhetoric to convey the point of equal opportunity for all people. He also uses ethos and logos to make the audience understand his speech’s message. The Emotional Appeals in 'I Have a Dream' An example of a speech that is particularly effective at producing an emotional response with its listeners is Martin Luther King, Jr.s 'I Have a Dream' speech. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Audiences can experience several emotions-anger, fear, pity, love, desire, or hate (Engleberg, p. Start studying Ethos, Pathos, and Logos in MLKs 'I Have a Dream' Speech. Pathos asks audience members to get in touch with their feelings and emotions. In his speech, King uses pathos, one of the four forms of proof (or modes of persuasion). King’s “I Have a Dream” speech was ranked number one when communication scholars identified the top one hundred historical speeches of the twentieth century (Isa Engleberg, …show more content… King verbally expressed the feelings of millions of African-Americans living in America in the most graceful and educated way. In his speech, King calls for a permanent end to racism and discrimination in the United States and overall, equality amongst all races. King’s speech was to advocate for civil rights for African Americans in the United States. During the political rally known as the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, King and over 250,000 civil rights supporters gathered at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. Martin Luther King Jr., delivered one of the most famous public speeches in American history. Show More On August 28, 1963, American civil rights activist, Dr. : I Have a Dream Speech (1963) Martin Luther King JR On August 28, 1963, some 100 years after President Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation freeing the slaves, a young man named Martin Luther King climbed the marble steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C.